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How can CBD help Anxiety/ Stress?

CBD oil , calms the mind (brain)  and nervous system


The oral use of cannabis to treat anxiety appears in a Vedic text dated around 2000 BCE, 238 and it is one of the most common uses of the plant across various cultures. While THC can increase anxiety in some patients, it lowers it in others. However, CBD has been shown to consistently reduce anxiety when present in higher concentrations in the cannabis plant. On its own, CBD has been shown in a number of animal and human studies to lessen anxiety. The stress-reducing effect appears to be related to activity in both the limbic and paralimbic brain areas.

A 2012 research review assessed a number of international studies and concluded that CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety, and in particular social


anxiety, in multiple studies and called for more clinical trials. 239 Two years later, researchers in an animal study related to stress and the endocannabinoid system wrote that augmentation of the endocannabinoid system might be an effective strategy to mitigate behavioral and physical consequences of stress. 240 These findings appear to support that the anxiolytic effect of chronic CBD administration in stressed mice depends on its proneurogenic action in the adult hippocampus by facilitating endocannabinoid-mediated signaling. 241


Leinow, Leonard; Birnbaum, Juliana. CBD: A Patient's Guide to Medicinal Cannabis--Healing without the High (p. 164). North Atlantic Books. Kindle Edition.

Buying Guide


 What questions to ask when deciding on a CBD Oil 

the blend one bottle.png



✓ Subcritical Co2 Extraction - most expensive, non-toxic, extremely efficient, ensures highly potent, pure extract.

X Liquid Solvents (butane, isopropyl alcohol, hexane, ethanol), most common method, simple and inexpensive, plant is soaked and heated, commonly used for vape products, destroys beneficial plant waxes, often bitter taste, can leave traces of impurities in the finished oil.


X Olive Oil - simple and inexpensive, heated for extended amount of time, oil cannot be concentrated using this method so a large quantity is required for medicinal benefits, highly perishable, should be stored in cold, dark place.


✓ No CBD product can officially be certified organic. However, the hemp is grown in organic soil and tests free of all heavy metals, mold, chemicals and pesticides.



✓ Whole Plant/Full Spectrum - taken from the flowers, stem, stalks and leaves, this means ALL the available cannabinoids within the plant are present, the way nature intended. When all the cannabinoids work together, you experience the beneficial 'entourage' effect, working synergistically to provide the most beneficial properties. This is why the blend has numerous cannabinoids, CBD, CBDV, CBN, and CBD and not just CBD. This is also why ‘The Blend’ contains over 60 medical terpenes!

X Isolate - compounds are extracted and/or separated from each other, it does have anti-inflammatory benefits, but does not have the medicinal quality and value of a full spectrum oil, often marketed as '99% pure CBD. A lot of isolate is making its way into North America via China and can be synthetic. Isolate is heavily processed as it is the third and final step in an extraction process.


✓ Hemp seed oil is the carrier oil, using and encompassing the entire plant. When using all aspects of the plant, this increases the synergy. Hemp seed oil is derived from the seed and has nutritional benefits.




✓ Terpenes are a crucial part of the plant, they are just as powerful at delivering properties as cannabinoids. Click here to read about the benefits of terpenes and the terpenes found in ‘The Blend’.

X No terpenes = Not a full spectrum plant.

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